Monday, 29 October 2012

2 ESO: UNIT 2: "What´s on?"

Here you can find lots of information about TV programmes

Identify the programmes

3ESO : "Supernature" ( II )

How to prepare for natural disasters ( Copy 6 tips about hurricanes, earthquakes,tornadoes or blizzards).
Videos: Animated guides about natural disasters (BBC)
Test: What did you learn about natural disasters?
What´s inside a Japanese quake grab bag? Make a list
Vocabulary matching (about natural disasters)
Listening Memory game
The weather report (elementary)
What´s the weather like? with listening exc (elementary)
All about the weather (intermediate)
Crossword (intermediate)
The weather + pictures

Saturday, 27 October 2012


The latest James Bond film premiere was last Wednesday night in London. Here you've got some activities about it.

Official trailer (just watch and enjoy it)

New 007 Movie 'Skyfall' Premieres in London (25th October, 2012): Do these activities:


1. TRUE / FALSE: Guess if  a-h  below are true (T) or false (F).
a.Kings and queens from Britain and Europe watched a James Bond film.T / F
b.There were 22 James Bond movies before Skyfall.T / F
c.A collection of 007 bad guys from the past 50 years saw the premiere.T / F
d.The James Bond actor went to the premiere with UK royal Albert Hall.T / F
e.A U.K. newspaper said the movie was full of the usual Bond things.T / F
f.The paper predicted the movie would be a major success.T / F
g.The director asked his 13-year-old son for advice about James Bond.T / F
h.The James Bond movies have made over $5 billion worldwide.T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.
2in front ofb.reviewers
6.criticsf.appears as
7.hailingg.most recent

3. PHRASE MATCH:  (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.) front ofa.British spy
2The U.K. heirb.escapade
3.played the lead femalec.on the red carpet
4.the sophisticatedd.worldwide box office
5.the first stars to the throne
6.the film was full of the usualf.British and Hollywood royalty
7.a blistering comic be part of it
8.a real honourh.13-year-old boy
9.I just wanted to channel my inneri.role in the films
10.the $5.1 billion grossed at thej.Bond trademarks


GAP FILL: Put the words into the gaps in the text.
The latest James Bond movie premiered in London on Wednesday night in front of British and Hollywood (1) ____________. "Skyfall" is the 23rd official Bond film and (2) ____________ with the 50th anniversary year of the first 007 movie "Dr No". The U.K. heir to the throne, Prince Charles, (3) ____________ the glittering event with his wife. Also in (4) ____________ were stars from the film and a collection of actresses who have played the (5) ____________ female role in the films over the past five decades. Daniel Craig, playing the (6) ____________ of the sophisticated British spy for the third time, was one of the first stars to arrive on the red carpet at London's (7) ____________ Royal Albert Hall. He was accompanied by French actress Berenice Marlohe, who (8) ____________ Bond girl Severine.

Many movie critics are (9) ____________ "Skyfall" as one of the best Bond movies ever. Britain's "The Daily Telegraph" said the film was full of the usual Bond (10) ____________ of fast cars, beautiful women, high-tech (11) ____________ and vodka Martinis, which were of course shaken, not (12) ____________. The paper said the movie was a "blistering comic book escapade" that will be "a (13) ____________ hit". Mr Craig told reporters: "It is just a real honour to be part of it." Director Sam Mendes said: "I just wanted to make a film that I would like to see.…I just wanted to (14) ____________ my inner 13-year-old boy." The film is sure to add to the $5.1 billion (15) ____________ at the worldwide box office by the previous 22 films in the                (16) ____________.


LISTENING – Listen and fill in the gaps

The latest James Bond movie premiered in London on Wednesday night in front of British and Hollywood royalty. "Skyfall" (1) __________________ Bond film and (2) __________________ anniversary year of the first 007 movie "Dr No". The U.K. (3) __________________, Prince Charles, attended the glittering event with his wife. Also in attendance were stars from the film and a collection of actresses who (4) __________________ female role in the films over (5) __________________. Daniel Craig, playing the part of the sophisticated British spy for the third time, was one of the first stars to arrive (6) __________________ London's elegant Royal Albert Hall. He was accompanied by French actress Berenice Marlohe, who plays Bond girl Severine.
Many movie (7) __________________ "Skyfall" as one of the best Bond movies ever. Britain's "The Daily Telegraph" said the film was full of the usual Bond trademarks of fast cars, beautiful women, (8) _______________ vodka Martinis, which were of course (9) __________________. The paper said the movie was a "blistering (10) __________________ " that will be "a stratospheric hit". Mr Craig told reporters: "It is just a real honour to be part of it." Director Sam Mendes said: "I just wanted to make a film that I would like to see.…I just wanted (11) __________________ 13-year-old boy." The film is sure to add to the $5.1 billion grossed at the worldwide box office by the previous 22 (12) __________________.


The latest James Bond movie premiered in London on Wednesday night in front of British and Hollywood (1) ____. "Skyfall" is the 23rd official Bond film and coincides with the 50th anniversary year of the first 007 movie "Dr No". The U.K. (2) ____ to the throne, Prince Charles, attended the (3) ____ event with his wife. Also in (4) ____ were stars from the film and a collection of actresses who have played the lead female role in the films over the past five decades. Daniel Craig, playing the part of the sophisticated British spy for the third time, was one of the first stars to arrive on the red (5) ____ at London's elegant Royal Albert Hall. He was accompanied (6) ____ French actress Berenice Marlohe, who plays Bond girl Severine.
Many movie critics are (7) ____ "Skyfall" as one of the best Bond movies ever. Britain's "The Daily Telegraph" said the film was full of the usual Bond (8) ____ of fast cars, beautiful women, high-tech gadgets and vodka Martinis, which were of (9) ____ shaken, not stirred. The paper said the movie was a "blistering comic book (10) ____ " that will be "a stratospheric hit". Mr Craig told reporters: "It is just a real honour to be part of it." Director Sam Mendes said: "I just wanted to make a film that I would like to see.…I just wanted to channel my (11) ____ 13-year-old boy." The film is sure to add to the $5.1 billion (12) ____ at the worldwide box office by the previous 22 films in the franchise.
Put the correct words from the table below in the above article.

Adele is the singer of the main theme of the film. Click here, listen to it and do the gap-filling activities.

1st BATXILLERAT - Halloween

Click here  and find a list of titles to scary ghost. Scroll down and click on ’Hairy toe’ and ready the story. Answer the following 13 (unlucky for some) questions below.
  1. What was the woman digging up to cook for dinner?
  2. What did she uncover?
  3. Why did she put ’the hairy toe’ in her basket?
  4. What did she cook with ’the hairy toe’?
  5. Later that night, what did the voice coming from the woods say?
  6. Was the voice heard in the same place or was it getting closer?
  7. Where was the voice coming from when the old lady woke up?
  8. What did she do when she jumped out of bed?
  9. Where was the old lady when she saw the massive figure in her doorway?
  10. How did the old lady respond to the figure?
  11. What finally happened to the old lady?
  12. What was the only clue of her disappearance?
  13. What was distinct about the footprint?

4th D- unit 1 and 2 revision







Friday, 26 October 2012

CF Administratiu TRANSLATION 2

1. El nostre cap vol que portem traje i corbata. Our boss wants us to wear a suit and tie
2.Avui soparem amb el director de recursos humans Today we are having dinner/supper with the Human Resources manager
3. Dimecres que ve assistirem a la exposició. Next Wednesday we are attending the exhibition
4. El responsable de I&D quiere que asista a la boda de su hija. The R(esearch) and D(evelopment) manager wants me to attend her/his daughter's wedding
5. La meva secretària és endreçada i responsable: arxiva els documents, organitza les reunions , atèn les reclamacions dels clients, porta la comptabilitat i escriu totes les cartes i correus electrònics. My secretary (assistant) is organised and responsible: she files documents, arranges meetings, deals with the customers' complaints,is in change of accounts (is the accountant) and types/writes all the letters and e-mails.
5. Demà tinc una reunió a l'agència immobiliària Tomorrow I have a meeting at the (real) estate agency
English at work 

Listen to Episode 3 (The Crisis) and answer the questions

1. Why is Denise so worried?
2. What 3 suggestions does Ann make to try and help with the problem?
3. Do they find the object?
4. How do you think Denise feels about Ann?
5. How does Ann feel ?

Read the transcript after you have listened to it several times and try to explain the incident orally

Thursday, 25 October 2012

3ESO- The Impossible (trailer)

Watch the trailer of this successful film and answer the following questions:

1.       Were the characters at home when the disaster happened?
2.       What were they doing?
3.       When did the tragedy happen?
4.       What’s the name of this natural catastrophe?
5.       Which other natural phenomenon (related to water) can we see after the disaster?

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

3R ESO: "Supernature" ( I )

LISTENINGS: Listen to these weather reports and answer the questions.
Translate the expressions about the weather.
VIDEO: Watch the video of two friends talking about the weather.
VIDEO: British weather report (easy/ medium /advanced levels)
QUIZZ: Irregular Past forms
QUIZZ: common irregular verbs (3 forms)
EXERCISES about irregular verbs & crosswords
EXERCISES about Past Simple VS Past Continuous
VIDEO: Avalanche!!!
LISTENINGS: Listen to 6 people talking about their personal experiences.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

4eso : VOCABULARY (types of people)

vocabulary list ( negative & positive )
the best fancy name (to describe a person): advanced level
the best fancy name (to describe a person): standard level I
the best fancy name : standard level II
multiple choice exercise (intermediate)
3X1 ex about the Simpsons
Personality and the Zodiac video
matching opposites (adjectives)
How to match your workout to your personality (video)

4th ESO Sherlock Holmes

Read about Conan Doyle and his famous character

Saturday, 13 October 2012

1st ESO - In Town

1. Do the activities you can find in this Common Shops and Places in Town interactive book. Follow your teacher's instructions because some of them must be copied in your noteboooks.

2. The High Street.Read the texts and choose the correct answers.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

2BAT- Reported Speech practice

You can review RS and do some exercises in the following webpages: 1, 2, 3

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


What did you do yesterday? Listen and do the exercises

Monday, 8 October 2012

CF Administratiu


  1. El nostre cap és fora de viatge de negocis. Our boss is away on a business trip
  2. La Mary no hi és: està assistint a una reunió important. Mary is out/ is not here: she is attending an important meeting.
  3. La setmana que ve anirem als Estats Units perquè el meu germà es casa amb una noia americana. Tornarem diumenge que ve. Next week we are going to the US because my brother is getting married to an American girl. We are coming back next Sunday
  4. Ara no porto "traje" perquè no estic treballant. I am not wearing a suit now because I am not working
  5. La meva dona és agent immobiliari; la seva millor amiga és advocada i té el despatx al costat de l'ajuntament.My wife is a state agent; her best friend is a lawyer and her office is next to the Town Hall.
  6. L'any que ve anirem a Roma per veure una exposició. Ens quedarem amb els meus pares, que viuen al centre. We are going to Rome next week to see an exhibition. We are staying with our parents, who live in the centre.
  7. Dijous que ve anirem a Barcelona amb la meva cunyada, que té un forn de pa. Next week we are going to Barcelona with my sister-in-law, who has a bakery.
  8. Estic arxivant aquests documents, i el jefe està organitzant una reunió.I am filing these documents, and my boss is arranging a meeting
  9. Estàs picant aquells informes?  No encara estàn sobre la teva taula. Are you typing those reports? No, they are still on your desk
  10. És soltera la teva germana? Si i no, està divorciada. Is your sister single? Yes and no; she is divorced 



   Ahir vaig tenir un dia mogut; Primer vaig portar els nens a l'escola, com sempre. Mentres conduia cap a la feina, a Barcelona, el meu cap em va trucar dos cops. Primer volia que anés a l'aeroport per rebre un client i portar-lo al seu hotel; al cap d'una estona va trucar per dir-me que el client no venia fins la setmana següent. Tan bon punt vaig arribar al despatx em va trucar la mestra de l'escola : la meva filla estava malalta. Després de parlar amb el meu cap, vaig anar cap al parking per tornar a casa, peró vaig caure baixant per l'escala. Al final el meu cap va portar-me a casa. 

Friday, 5 October 2012

1st BATXILLERAT - Columbus Day

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. Who claimed 12 October as Columbus Day? When?
2. What did President Nixon do in 1971?
3. When is Columbus Day celebrated in America?
4. Complete this sentence: "Columbus discovered America and___________________"
5. Why didn't Columbus need to prove that the Earth was round?
6. Christopher Columbus wanted to be the first "to ____________________________ "
7. Who supported Columbus' enterprise?
8. When did Columbus and his men set sail?
9. Columbus thought he was travelling to _______________________________ .
10. Who were the Indians? Why did Columbus call them like that?

1st BATXILLERAT - Voluntary Reading

Read this text on important facts about Singapore.
After doing the multiple-choice activities below the text, answer these questions:

1. What interests does Singapore offer that are attracting so many people?
2. Where do you find the Fountain of Wealth? Why is it important?
3. How is the symbol of Singapore called? How does it look like?
4. Would you like to visit Singapore? Why /  Why not? (support your ideas)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

2BAT- JOBS varied activities

Job interview


2 BAT- job interviews videos

Watch this video about job interview tips.

Watch different videos on this webstie related to job interviews.

If you want to have fun...Watch these videos about "special" interviews: 1, 2, 3

2BAT- last health activities

Watch a scene from "Mr Bean". This time he goes to hospital...

Read amazing facts about the human body .

And finally, enjoy these cartoons...

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Listen to this 8 year old girl calling to a radio programme