Monday, 19 September 2016

2n Batx Animal vocabulary

1. Insects

2. Birds

3. Parts of animals

4. Animal sounds

5. Insects descriptions and exercises

6. Crossword

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

2nd BATXILLERAT suffixes and prefixes

A list of suffixes with explanations and practice

Word formation categories 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

TRAVEL 4th eso

Travel arrangements  (7 minute video. Watch and take notes to bring to class)

(with pictures)

Confusing terms and exercise

Now do  exercise 1  (air travel vocabulary)

Exercise 2  (means of transport)

Accomodation  Exercise 3

Types of holidays   Exercise 4

New York video

London video

Airport dialogue video 

In/on with means of transport

Check in (multiple choice exercise)

Lots of practice here



Here's some help:

flustered: agitat, confús
aghast: shocked, horroritzat
despondent: abatut
bewildered: desconcertat, atordit
baffled: perplex, confós