Sunday, 16 December 2018

Xmas quiz

Quiz in 4 teams

Video vocabulary

Two famous Christmas songs...or three?

Listen to the two songs (one of them has got two versions) and then fill in the blanks.
"All I want for Xmas is you, baby!", Mariah Carey sings. Would you like to listen to her and do the exercise?
Xmas shopping in London ( video )

Tell me about Xmas ( part I: food & drink )

Xmas food on tables around the world ( video )


Fed up with Rudolph, Mariah Carey, Dean Martin, George Michael?
Do you feel closer to Mr. Scrooge´s dark side?
Then...that´s your song!!!
"The story of why I hate Xmas"

3D ESO: Xmas time!
Xmas cryptogram (game)
Xmas test
My letter to Santa (unscramble words)

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

1rst Bat Mini lessons support material


Different topics

Explore these interesting mini-lessons from the BBC

Monday, 10 December 2018

3r eso Airports and Travel

Video 1

Video2 with activities

Plan a trip video

Longer video with explanations (old couple)

Mark Kulek  short dialogues

M. Kulek Plan a trip

London video

Continents video


World quiz

Game (noisy)

Tuesday, 20 November 2018


Exercise good for thinking

Exercises (B2)

Exercises (A2)

Video lesson (woman) (good for your pronunciation too)

Very interesting real lesson, but long and no subtitles (for experts)

Thursday, 15 November 2018

3rd eso Clothing

Dictation 1 (text)

Dictation 2 (5 sentences)

Dictation 3 (a few words)

Video 2  (American teenagers)

Game Match

Show your clothes video Kulek

Very easy Kulek

Very easy Kulek

Real English Video



Shopping dialogue

Shopping dialogues

Listen and practise

Friday, 9 November 2018

1st batx CLOTHING vocabulary

Do these activities about clothing styles

Basic vocabulary about clothes
Body parts and clothes
More vocabulary, tests, quizzes ...


Video (celebrities)
Video with subtitles

1.  Make a clothes map according to different categories: WARM     SUMMER   FORMAL     INFORMAL       MATERIALS         MEN'S         WOMEN'S       EXPENSIVE       UNDERWEAR       FOOTWEAR    etc...

Monday, 5 November 2018

2ESO. UNIT 1: "Home & away"

Listening ex 1 : "Is Johana at home?" ( do online exercises )
Listening ex 2 : "I love going to museums" ( do online exercises )

Do these vocabulary exercises about the house: (basics) (basics)
and more exercises... (quiz about the house)

Present Simple activities :
The Present Simple girl (tutorial + exercises)
Mixed Present Simple exercises
3rd person singular ex
Mix and match
Do or does?
Simple Present negative
Short answers
Present tense questions
Position of adverbs of frequency

"Showing my room"
"My bedroom tour"
Talking pictures:  "Describing our bedrooms "
My room (Take notes about the description )
 Game :Bedroom vocabulary  (you have 30 seconds !)

Writing :
"Describing my bedroom"  (Copy the text and fill in the gaps ).



- HOUSES IN BRITAIN : Watch the video and answer the questions.


-          Where do Britsh people usually live: in flats or in houses?
-          What does Robinson’s family do in the living room?
-          Where does Robinson’s family usually eat?
-          Where is Tom doing his homework?
-          Which sport does Tom like?
-          Which kind of pets do British people like?
-          Which is the most famous house in Britain? Do you remember who lives there?

- EASTER IN BRITAIN : Watch the video and answer the questions


-          What kind of presents do they give for Easter?
-          Do they go to school at Easter?
-          What do they do with the eggs?
-          How do they eat the Hot Cross Bun?
-          What do they do on Easter Sunday?
-          Which present does their grandfather give to Sarah and Tom?
-          Who wins the egg-rolling race?

In the bathroom (Mark Kulek)

   In the kitchen  (Mark Kulek)

Monday, 29 October 2018

EXAM PRACTICE 1rst batxillerat

All tenses together

For students in trouble (present or past)

Find the right verb (revision, simple)

Past simple, continuous and perfect

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Monday, 1 October 2018


Tips 1

More tips 2

Very useful video with expressions and practical examples  (you will need 15 minutes)

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Restaurant language Optativa 2n

Food and Drinks game (copy the words in your notebook and translate them)
Food and Drinks matching activity (copy the vocabulary in your notebooks)
Food and Drinks matching activity 2
Food: vegetables
At the supermarket game
Food memory gameeboo
Fruit labelling (copy the words in your notebooks and translate them)
Vegetable labelling (copy the words and translate them)

At the restaurant
Vocabulary (copy the epressions in your notebook and translate them)
Ordering food
Food and restaurants gap-filling (copy the words in bold and translate them)
Dialogues (choose one on these dialogues and practise it with a partner)

Grammar exercises :

Countable / uncountable nouns

A, an, some, any

How much ? How many ? :

3rd eso USED TO

Real English  interviews

Saturday, 5 May 2018


TASK 1 : Go to page 51 "Your turn" activity, read the instructions and write a dialogue using the information from pages 87 and 92.

DIALOGUES: "Buying a plane ticket". Listen to the dialogues. They might help you to practise.

BUSINESS DIALOGUE:  "Telephone: flights". Listen to the conversation and copy the first dialogue (not the one about the hotel room!)

ENGLISH DIALOGUES: "Booking a flight". Read the 3 dialogues and copy them.

VIDEOS: Watch these videos about booking and flying. (the funny one) ( at the customs)

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Be polite and more practice

Kulek exercise

Questions and question words

In, On, At  time prepositions

Sunday, 22 April 2018


TASK 1 : Write a letter of complaint and the response to a letter of complaint using the templates given by the teacher.

TASK 2: Write a word and sentence list (nex vocab) about units 8,10 and 11.
It'll hel you to study.


Mixed exercises and activities

Comparative & Superlative quiz ("Squeeze the monkey!") 
Comparative & Superlative quiz (" How fast can you think?" ) 

Football game

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

TED Ed Animals play dead video

Watch the video

Fun or disgusting educational video

3rd eso oral exam Find a recent news

You can find real, easy news here

here too

and here

And you can find lots of questions to ask in conversation here

Saturday, 14 April 2018


TASK 1 : Write a dialogue using the following situation. You've got a customer who needs directions in town ( Ex: going to a bank, restaurants, post office, etc). You must give the client directions.You can work together with a partner.

TASK 2 : Learn or rewrite a new dialogue about the copy the teacher will give you. Then you must play it on a video.

TASK 3 : Translate these sentences into English.

1- El tècnic informàtic ha d'arreglar l'ordinador i la impressora.
2- Em pot dir quant em costarà la reparació?
3- Quantes parades de bus hi ha des de l'estació de tren fins al centre de fires?
4- Giri la segona a la dreta en el carrer Brooklyn, continuï recte fins el primer semàfor, travessi el carrer i el museu de ciència és al costat del parc.
5- Tenim una maneta de la porta i les potes de la taula de reunions  trencades i un pany obstruiït. Haurem de trucar al al fuster.
6- Hi ha alguna cosa més que hauria de fer mentre vostè arriba?
7- Tenim una canonada trencada i dues aixetes dels banys de senyores que gotegen.Haurem de trucar al lampista.
8- Per arribar al centre és molt senzill: continuï recte fins al segon trencant al'esquerra.Veurà una rotonda. Giri llavors a la dreta, camini fins que vegi un parc. Quan arribi al parc només ha seguir els senyals que diuen "centre ciutat".
9- Una intersecció és on dues carreteres o carrerses troben o es creuen.
10- L' aire condicionat del magatzem no funciona. Hem de trucar el tècnic però trigarà més de mitja hora.

Friday, 6 April 2018


TASK 3 : Read the info "Your turn" on page 43. With a partner write a new dialogue. Use the map on page 42 to help you.

TASK 2 : Do the exercises about giving directions.
TASK 1 : Watch the video on the right side first! and then copy the expressions and make a list.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Friday, 16 March 2018


TASK  1 :  Read the activity "Your turn" on page 31. Write a dialogue using the chart you've got on page
86 of your text book.

TASK 2 : Read the activity "Your turn" on page 35. Write a dialogue using the chart you've got on page
86 of your text book.

You can write the 2 dialogues in pairs.Then choose one of them to practise and act out with your partner
(Escull-ne un peraprendre de memòria amb el teu company/a).

Monday, 12 March 2018

Friday, 2 March 2018


TASK 1 : Translate dialogue 1 and dialogue page 32 into your language.
                 After that, practise them with a partner.

TASK 2 : Translate the following sentences into your language.

1-  He comès un error i he passat la trucada a la persona uivocada. El client s' ha queixat 
     i ha dit que jo no era professional.

2-  La Helen està al càrrec de la centraleta de trucades i ha de respondre a les trucades              entrants.

3-  S' ha de contestar el telèfon ràpidament i no deixar-lo sonar més de 3 vegades.

4-  Em pot passar amb la Senyoreta Robinson del Departament de vendes, si us plau?

5-  No he entès bé el seu cognom.  Me'l pot lletrejar, si us plau?

6-  Pren nota dels missatges i inclou també el nom de la persona que truca i del seu
     número de telèfon.

7- Sigues sempre educat : saluda amb simpatia però d' una manera professional.

8-  La persona que truca ha de saber amb qui parla i se li ha de preguntar si vol  deixar
      un missatge.

9-  S' ha d' apuntar qui deixa el missatge i com contactar amb ell.

10- Sigues ràpid passant / donant missatges i no cometis errors.

11- Ho sento, la línia del Senyor Roberts està ocupada. Vol deixar un missatge o prefereix
      que el deixi en espera?

12- Ho sento: la Senyora Clinton no hi es. És fora de la ciutat Vol que li passi amb el 
       director demàrketing?

13- Ho sento : El Senyor Gonzàlez no està disponible en aquests moments. Vol que li digui
      que li truqui més tard?

14- La Senyora Anderson estàraen una reunió de 10 a 12. No pot rebre trucades i s'ha de
      prendre nota de trucades i missatges.

15- La conversa s'ha tallat per un problema tècnic. Si us plau, em pot tornar a passar la
      trucada del Senyor Willmore?

Friday, 23 February 2018


Telephone conversation  : Listen to the dialogues and write down the tapescript.

Useful phrases to say on the telephone : Watch the video and do the quiz at the end.

Taking and leaving a message: Watch this other video and pay attention to phrases

"Can I take a message?"  : Watch the video, try to understand the conversation (maybe some ideas for your video dialogue?)

Taking a message ( TUTORIAL )

Answering the telephoneand transferring a call ( cartoon video )

Video + quiz  ( do only the online quiz)

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


1. Question words (easy video)
2. Explanations and exercise (video)


1. Exercise 1  (10 sentences)
2. Exercise 2  (10 sentences)
3. Questions

Present Continuous (or Progressive)
 1. Video
2. Exercises

1. Exercises

game practice (pronunciation of -ed)

Simple past affirmative  regular verbs exercise
Negative exercise
Questions exercise

Hundreds of different exercises here  Choose your page, from 01 to 05

Irregular verbs exercises :

GAME  Irregular verbs spinwheel

Saturday, 27 January 2018


Translate the following sentences into English .

1. T’ensenyaré com utilitzar la fotocopiadora.

2. Com puc canviar la mida del paper?

3. Com puc ampliar o reduir la mida d’ un document?

4. Pot fotocopiar en color aquesta maquina?

5. Hi ha alguna cosa que no funciona (que no és correcte)

6. Que he fet malament?

7. Prem aquesta icona i selecciones A4 o A3.

8. Has de seleccionar aquesta icona quan vols fotocopiar les dues cares del paper.

9.  A la portada has d'incloure l'adreça de casa, l'adreça electrònica i el número de mòbil.

10. Molt números de fax dels nostres clients estan programats a la màquina de fax.

Watch and listen to this office conversation about how to use the photocopier and try to write down the transcription.

Grammar revision

TOO + ADJ / ( NOT ) ENOUGH +ADJ exercises:

PAST SIMPLE ( DID / DIDIN'T) exercises:

Saturday, 13 January 2018



Translate the se sentences into English:

1) Hola, sóc l' Emma Thomson, la cap de recursos humans. Li presentaré a tothom.
2) El director financer té cura dels diners de la companyia.
3) Voldria que li agafés la jaqueta i li porté una tazza de te?
4) Per favor, si espera aquí assegut el sr. Smith el rebrà en uns minuts.
5) Perdoni, em podria dir on es troba l' oficina principal de Jonhson & Johnson?
6) I tant! És al pis de dalt de tot. Agafi l'ascensor que és davant seu, quan surti, giri a la dreta, tiri recte. És la 3a porta.
7) Un auxiliar administratiu ha de picar cartes, contestar al telèfon , organitzar les dates per les reunions, distribuir el correu i buscar informació a internet.
8) Senyoreta Philips, voldria que vostè ens acompanyés a la reunió d' avui perquè prengués notes, si us plau.
9) Per què no movem la impressora al costat de l'arxivador i col.loquem la taula de reunions davant de la finestra per tenir llum natural?
10) La nostra empresa li estaria agraït si pogués enviar-nos un pressupost dels articles següents.
11) La nostra política de pagament té un termini màxim de 20 dies a partir de la data de lliurament.
12) Ens hem quedat sense quaderns ni retoladors i anem escassos de grapes i de sobres.
13) M' agradaria fer una comanda de material d'oficina: necessito 3 paquets de clis per papers, una dotzena de paquets de grapes i 20 rulls de cel.lo, si us plau.
14) Primer has d' apretar el botó d'engegar la màquina, llavors hi  poses els document i introdueixes el número de còpies que vols.
15) Com  ho haig de fer ampliacions o reduccions d' una còpia?

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Saturday, 6 January 2018

2n eso Enough & Too

Video lesson

Exercises and videos

Video with questions