Friday, 24 April 2020

Connectors 2n Batxillerat

Reason and result connectors:  explanations and test

Explanation and exercises

CONTRAST explained in a video lesson

Exhaustive listing with different interesting activities

Hundreds of exercises on connectors  and other topics
Addition and/or contrast exercises and some explanations


Long list of many types of connectors

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

2ND ESO OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES 25th March - 2nd April

Watch the video "My life in Quarantine" and try to write down a list of the tips the boy is telling you on the video.

"I stay home challenge" (Some videos about celebrities staying at home for good reasons). Watch the video and try to understand what the challenge consists in.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

1rst eso PAST SIMPLE Coronahomework

Exercises 2, 8, 9   Agendaweb

Mark Kulek on regular verbs video

Mixed past (affirmative)

Easy video British Council

Sunday, 15 March 2020

2n BATXILLERAT TED Talk University of People

Watch this video and answer the question     

  AN ULTRA-LOW-COST COLLEGE DEGREE  by Shay Reshef    (TedTalks)
       a. Who are Patrick, Debbie and Wael? What do they have in common?
      b. Which are the main reasons that prevent many people from accessing higher     education?
      c. What costs can the University of People cut down in order to exist?
      d. What does peer to peer learning consist of?
      e. What sorts of studies does the University offer?
      f. What are the weekly academic tasks of students at UoP?
      g. Do the students get qualifications at the end of each course?
      h. Which are the only requirements that a student needs to access UoP?
      i. Do students have to pay for anything at UoP?


1. Would rather, had better  
2. Would rather , had better
3. Use of would rather and prefer with explanations and exercise
The same topic (tutorial and exercise)
Video lesson  tells difference between  had better  and  should (Weird and robotic but interesting)

4. Different subjects exercise

5. Friendly teacher on Would rather

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Phoenix myth 1r eso

Video 1



CF Administratiu

General vocabulary exercise  Level A2

Different topics vocabulary exercises Levels A1 and A2

More vocabulary exercises

Exercises about questions

Practice spelling and pronunciation

Check your English level with different tests here

English at work BBC : Episode 22

Monday, 2 March 2020

2n BATXILLERAT Traffic vocabulary

1. List with exercise
2. Elllo listening 
4. Video with teacher's explanations
5. Listen, watch and read about the commuter dog